Wednesday 30 November 2011

Eyelash Extensions

Ooh my! So much to say about them.
Ill start off by saying that I love them! I don't think I'll ever go back!

First, for eyelash newbies... Ill explain how they work. A technician takes one of your own eyelashes and glues a fake but natural looking lash onto your own so the two are seamless and it seems like the fake one is yours. She does about 100 on each eye. The result is gorgeous! You look like your wearing false eyelashes but because you can't see any tell tale signs of false eyelashes you almost could think the person was born with incredible jaw dropping eyelashes. No joke!

So if your like me, and love wearing mascara and eyeliner but hate having to apply it each morning...these babies could be a life saver! I also tend to have my mascara run a lot during the day which I hate because it always looks so messy and your always worried about your makeup.

It costs around $100 for the first time and then $40 a month for refills. So yes, it is a big waste of money to some people..but for girls who spend big bucks on eye makeup...this could be worth it. For me its worth it just for the look itself and the time you dont waste every morning. Even the experience is nice. You get to spend around 1 1/2 in a comfy bed with music playing in the background while a technician gives you long lashes. I would lie anywhere for that alone! haha

Before, I would spend prob 30 mins doing my makeup but now somedays I dont even wear any makeup because I already have carpet ready lashes on. Its sick!!

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